Organizational Committee

The MMSA Organizational Committee

For Exact Meeting Times, Days and Location, Please Contact the Merced Chamber Office at 209.384.7092
Committee Chair: Jessica Kazakos

Organization involves getting everyone working toward the same goal. A governing board and standing committees make up the fundamental organizational structure of this volunteer-driven program. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities, but also builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders. The Organization Committee plays a key role in keeping the board, committees, staff, and programs-of-work in good shape by attracting people to the organization.

To succeed our committee must take the responsibility for managing the financial and logistical aspects by:

  • Managing staff and volunteers – by recruiting people, supervising them, and rewarding good work
  • Promoting the program to downtown interests and the public
  • Raising money – for projects and administration, from donations and sponsorships
  • Managing finances – by developing good accounting procedures.